Our Theory of Change

a blue and white image of a vase with flowers
  • Our vision is a flourishing life for every Filipino
  • But poor mental health causes suffering and hinders a person from leading a fulfilling and flourishing life.
  • Effective mental health interventions exist, but they are hardly accessible.
  • Our mission, then, is to test and scale cost-effective mental health interventions to make them accessible.
  • We do this by either adopting proven interventions or developing innovative ones, testing its fit for our chosen demographic, and scaling its distribution if proven cost-effective.
  • We are focusing on adolescents now because:
  • There is a high prevalence of mental health condition and suicide rate among adolescents, particularly among 13 to 15 years old.
  • Mental health conditions that are not addressed at this age/life stage are usually carried and may worsen into adulthood.
  • By providing the intervention at this stage, our assumption is that this will prevent worse cases of mental health conditions in the future, helping nurture healthier and more resilient adults.

Our Values: We care

a group of blue cartoon characters standing next to each other
We are Committed to our mission and the people we serve.
a group of blue cartoon characters standing next to each other
Agile & Ambitious
We are Agile with our approach and Ambitious with our impact.
a group of blue cartoon characters standing next to each other
We are Responsive to the needs of our beneficiaries.
a group of blue cartoon characters standing next to each other
We are Evidence-based in our decision-making.


Meet the people behind Phlourish
a blue and white image of three birds
Rochelle Bata
Co-Founder & Executive Director
Joseph Cubar
Co-Founder & Program Director
Reynaly Shen Javier
Co-founder & Researcher
Alain Meneses
Program Coordinator